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[[left margin-Strike & dip on ls bed (2')
              N51[symbol for degrees]W
              46   "          "     nne

A considerable distance NE on the beach, is a bed of ls. about 2 ' thick called bed 15 (as near as I can make out) for which no list of fossils is given. The bed is crowded with R. stewarti & S. [[concinnus?]]. For 25 paces S W on the beach from this bed (toward brook) R. stewarti occurs (this I call R. stewarti zone.) From contact of bed 7 and Barberie Dacite it is 97 paces on or about 243'.  According to the book (Howard) there are 180' between the hard ls & the contact.

I fail to see the usefulness of beds listed by Howard as it is nearly impossible to identify them.  I saw no R. stewarti in the bed 11.but they were abundant in beds 12 sub 2 [[?]]-15.  It seems to me it would be better to call the section by  the name of zones.

Bed 0- coarse arenaceous shales
N55 [[degrees] W 50 [[degrees] NE. Dip on bed 1-2 [[numbers encircled]] N 65 [degrees]]W 49[degrees]]
Dip & strike on hard ls about 200 yds NE of base of Bed 1 =N 45 W 45 [[degrees]]

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