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June 21 - Arrived at about 11 A.M. lunched and went immediately to collect from the Cap Blanc Formation in the south flank of Mont Joli. Trilobites are still plentiful in the band that carries them but are difficult to get at.

June 22 - Rain + fog - Went behind Ste. Anne to the amphitheatre, locs. 5, 5a and collected. Collecting good in the thin Is. bands. Rock mostly a soft rotten shole containing innumerable items bedded Is. In places alternation of Is. + sh. frequent, others no lime and in still others argillaceous Is   abounds, but nowhere is it just puce Is.

Collected at F, on Priests road. [[Blucks?]] are difficult to find along the road.

June 23 - Spent 2 hours of morning at south flank of Mt. Joli for more trilobites. They are now very difficult to secure. Spent afternoon at F6 + F7. Former now has very few good fossils. F7 is no longer any good.

June 24 - Rain all morning