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                  [[stamped]] 0012 [[stamped/]]
             October 8, 1934
Washington - Wytheville,
        October 9.
Visited Ottosee localities in vicinity of Rye Cove. O Hoace is knobbly, calcareous shale. Nodules and slabs contain fossils as well as shale. Echinoderms can be collected 1 1/2 min S of West of Rye Cove near an old brick school. Collecting is good if one hunts hard.

October 10
Collected from Ottosee? 3 1/2 miles SW of Thorn Hill. Here found small [[olignesbrynelina?]] at one level. The beds containing them were called Ottosee by Rec. They underly the red Holston Marble went H Rockwood.
Oct. 11.
Rockwood to Camden - spent hour on move collecting Leipers and Richmond 6 and 8 miles west of Nashville.

Oct 12
Collected from the Camder chest from pits of Nashville, Chattanooga & St. Louis Ky., and then Camden Gravel Co.

Oct 13
Collected [[Birding?]] fossils on farm of Will Love. This is reached by going on Hy 69 south 10 miles toward Holladay, then turning south west on old road. Loves farm is 0.9 to one mile on the road. The expanses are just south of the farmhouse near a small creek and along the