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[[stamped]] 0023 [[/stamped]]

October 14.

Left Van Horn & went over to Marathon arriving at lunch time. After lunch went to hill 1/2 mile north of Hess Ranch for Hess fossils. Crinoidol limestones contained brachiopods but specimens were rare and poor.

Oct. 15 spent at Split Tank. Lake Hess ranch road, turn east behind Hess collecting locality and go east about 7 1/2 - 8 miles. Split tank is about 1 1/2 east of the Grimmer Ranch. Collecting is best on north slope small hill east northeast of tank and also in shaly or marly material about one mile east northeast of the tank.

Oct. 16 - Collected Split Tank in morning and Word formation west northwest of Word ranch. Collecting not good.

Oct 17 - Collected Split Tank.

Oct 18 - Packed boxes most of day. Visited groptolite beds on Alsate Creek. Go south of Marathon to Picnic grounds then go west on road to J. J. Roberts Ranch to Alsate Creek. Went to Fort Stockton in night.