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[[stamped]] 0061 [[/stamped]]
[[left margin]] 5 [[/left margin]]

July 8 - Spent day at Split Tank. Made a large and fine collection.

July 9 - Spent morning between Split Tank and Word ranch. After lunch we got started collecting west of Word Ranch in Leonard when it rained. We came home and packed four boxes.

July 10 - Collected Leonard west of Fenstermakers place in vicinity of Old Word Ranch. Section mainly yellowish platy rock with fossiliferous ls, [[buses?]]. Uppermost lens contains many [[underlined]] Aulosteges [[/underlined]] but they are hard to get. Collecting is good at bottom of formation. Packed three boxes in evening.

July 11 - collected Word at Hess Canyon all day long. Good day, no rain. Packed two boxes before supper.

July 12 - Went to hills north of Decie Ranch (King's loc 35) to collect [[underlined]] Scacchinella [[/underlined]]. Had excellent success taking a number of large specimens from a single boulder.

July 13 - Drove out to Leonard Mountain to collect Leonard ls. Collecting proved very poor so we went up to Word Ranch and collected until 3:30 when it started to rain. Packed two boxes in afternoon.

July 14 - Back to hills with [[underlined]] Scacchinella [[/underlined]] but we failed to find any first rate specimens. Collecting depends on finding a properly rotted block, not too rotten so that they crumble nor too fresh so that they crack through.

Transcription Notes:
My understanding form instructions not necessary to add lines or spacing between entries For what it's worth, my understanding of the form instructions "Type what you see. Our main goal is to create text that mirrors this document." means to follow the text, including spacing and indentations. I consider these to be like the rest symbols in music. It's all part of the document. If the author uses spaces and indents, I follow that format. If not, I don't.--thomasc