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[[stamped]] 0063 [[/stamped]]
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July 24 - Wolfcamp hills till 2 P M when we were rained out. Most of our brachiopods are from 9 - 12 limestones. The fossils occur where the limestones are massive and reefy.

July 25 - Got run out of Wolfcamp by ranch foreman. Went to collect Leonard at word Ranch. Thunderstorm about 2 P M. Finished packing.

July 26 - Packed up and shipped 3 boxes and four kegs. Got ready to leave Marathon.

July 27 - Marathon to Cisco.

July 28 - Went to Gunsight, collected all morning. Went on to Fort Worth which I reached at 4 P. M. Called on Renfros that evening.

July 29 - Went with Renfros and collected lower Graham and Thrifty north of Jacksboro. The first locality is on west side of Post Oak road three miles north of Jacksboro. The locality was good for several types of molluses and a few brachiopods.

July 30 - 0.6 mile north of Finis, Texas and near fork of Bryson - Graford roads in top of Ranger limestone [[underlined]] Teguliferina [[/underlined]] is abundant. In afternoon visited Gonzales Creek shale 3 1/2 miles NW of Finis on road to Graham.

July 31 - Collected Lower Cretaceous around Fort Worth. Particularly after echinoids for exchange collections.