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[[stamped]] 0067 [[/stamped]]
[[left margin]] 11. [[/left margin]]

Aug 17 - Collected Henryhouse shale in vicinity of Cedar Hill, 8 miles south of Ada. Locality is 2 miles east of Okla 99 in south half sec 4-2N-6E.

Aug. 18 - Went to Norman and picked up C.L.Foster then went on to Muskogee. Collected [[underlined]] Marginifera [[/underlined]] at a railroad out in Dewar.

[[strikethrough]] Oct [[/strikethrough]] Aug 19 - Collected Mayes ls east of Fort Gibson. Locality is reached by going east of fort Gibson to Bayou Manard crossing of US. 62. 0.8 mile east of the Bayou is a road going south that can be identified by two wooden bridges close together. Go south for 0.9 mile to bridge over large creek, go on to ford of brook and take the left fork of road, cross small wooden bridge go on taking right fork which after a mile from the ford crosses the Mayes ls. Collecting excellent.

[[strikethrough]] Oct [[/strikethrough]] Aug. 20 - Visited Mayes locality at bluffs on south side of Bayou Manard on west side of Oklahoma 10. Collected here till lunch time. After lunch went to fields just 0.1 mile south of Glendale school. Here brachiopods were abundant. Just 0.1 mile south of bend in road about 1/2 mile south of the school [[strikethrough]] F [[/strikethrough]] in an arroyo on the east side of the road about 100 yds to east Fayetteville fossils are abundant. To get to Glendale school go east on dirt road 1/2 mile south of Bayou Manard bridge, go east one mile to bend, turn north for about 1/2 mile.

[[image - pencil drawn map showing directions stated above]]