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[[stamped]] 0068 [[/stamped]]

Aug. 21 - Rain in early morning, Collected Webber Falls on Verdigris River in morning. Visited Bacone College before lunch. Collected at Bayon Manard and revisited localities one mile east of Oklahoma 10.

Aug. - 22 - Went back to locality 7 - 8 miles east and one mile South of Fort Gibson. Collected till noon-time. After lunch heavy rain drove us out. Went to Keough Qy north of Fort Gibson, 2 1/2 miles where it had not rained.

Aug - 23 - Went over to Okmulgee and collected at SW end of Lake Okmulgee and just west of Deep Ford west of the City. After lunch returned to Norman to deliver Mr. Foster.

Aug 24 - Spent morning at Oklahoma Univ with Lalicker. Had dinner with Mr. & Mrs. L. Then went to Arkansas City, Kans.

Aug. 25 - Collected all day north and south of Dexter, Kans. [[underlined]] Derbyia [[/underlined]] was abundant in road buts 3 - 3 1/2 miles NW of Dexter on Kans. 15 and on the same road in the Sedge of the village.

Aug. 26 - Went to Fredonia but was refused admittance to the Quarry. Went back south to Coney and to locality north of Copan. Collected here all afternoon.
Aug. 27 - Left Independence. Accidentally discovered quarry in Checkerboard limestone 1.8 mi. N of Lenapah, Okla. Collecting excellent.