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[[stamped]] 0130 [[/stamped]]

E - E1 - 9' thin bedded ls at base mostly thin bedded ls (2"-4") with shalier zone at top. Upper part with many square Opikina & some Fascifera Base of F on S bank 2nd arroyo.
F - Light to dark grey weathering in beds 4-6" thick. Large Strophomena Opikina. Strophomena abundant at top forming black lines because vertical to bedding. [[image-from bottom up-2 short lines curving up, one short line over the top, curving down with what looks like a question mark directly to right, almost touching]] Top of F at N edge of 3rd arroyo & N edge of main dam.
G - Thin bedded ls, litte shale in lower beds (2"-9" thick). Yellow brown Carinoclodia-like forms. Fossils abundant in section. Sowerbyella in swarms. Top is long dip slope in outlet arroyo from main dam.
H - Thin-bedded ls & shale abounding in Sowerbyella, Hesperorthis & small Campylorthis.

I - Thin-bedded elastic ls containing brachiopods & countless bryozoa. Ls often coquina of brachs or bryozoa, Large Strophomena. Squarish Opikina Sowerbyella, plump smallish Campyborthis, Oxoplecia loose. Lower half smooth ls, upper half detrital ls. Lower half with brachiopod coquina. 60'

J.= Bromide dense massive dark gray weathering ls. brownish gray ls. Forms N slope outlet of main dam.