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[[stamped]] 0412 [[/stamped]]

July 25
Visited Canyon of Horse Camp reached 18 miles S of Alamogordo, 7 miles S of Valmont, then go east about 13 miles to Horse Camp. About 3 miles ENE of Horse Camp in arroyo just W of road and about 20 - 40' below Abo contact is ledge of limestone abounding in small brachiopods particularly cryptacanthia (or Glossothyropsis). This would be about the highest Pennsylvanian in this canyon although green Abo-type sandstone occurs about 50' below the fossil ledge. Just above the Cryptacanthia ledge occurs a layer abounding in Kozlowskia. Just about 1/2 mile west of the Horse Camp is a knob with a prominent ledge of 

[[margin]] Jy 25' [[/margin]]

limestone containing abundant snails and some productids, the latter mostly crushed.

1-3  - Guadalupe
4    - Percha at Bear Mtn
5    - Indian Wells Canyon from City
6    - Indian Wells Reef
7    - Indian Wells Reef
8    - Indian Wells Devonian
9    - Indian Wells Devonian
10   - Cryptacanthia ledge
11   - Dev. Rhodes Pass.
12   - Salinas Peak, San Andres Mtns.