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[[stamped]] 0595 [[/stamped]]

May 22.
Spent all morning packing 8 kegs. In afternoon visited quarries in NE edge of Marion. Here 50' of Mosheim lies on  
[[margin]] 587 [[/margin]] 
the Knox and is overlain by 50' of Lenoir, nodular limestone which is shaley in the upper 5 - 10'. This shaley part contains brachiopods suggestive of the Upper Lenoir at Knoxville such as Bimuria and Isophragma.

[[margin vertical]] Sowerbyites of lower OHosee must overlie this Lenoir. Note 10/17/43. [[/margin vertical]]

Then we went 5 miles west of Marion to see Onondaga chest 
[[margin]]] 589 [[/margin]]  
overlying the Ordovician.

May 23
Went from Marion northeastward to vicinity of Bland where we visited a small quarry in "Holston ls". This was a very pure crystalline limestone but fossils were not abundant. This quarry is said by Mr.Butts 
[[margin]] 590 [[/margin]] 
to be the McNutt Qy mentioned in Raymond and Willards' paper.

After lunch in Bland we went down main road to SE and took first left turn to Grayson Farm. Here we  
[[margin]] 598-598a [[/margin]]