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[[stamped]] 0600 [[/stamped]]

October 20. South slope of hill on which Hagan School stand, Hilton street.
Din. transversa zone contains Stroph. tennesseensis and a Compylorthis. A peculiar Resserella was rare.

In Echinosphaerites zone Paleostrophomena occurs. Cooper reports presence also of Oligorhynchia at this horizon. This locality called H26A.

H7A - Hilton [[square symbol]] 2 collections. 1. from slope of reentrant on west side hill east of secondary road 1/2 mile due west of Cedar Point school. This was Echinosphaerites zone with Paleostrophomena and other peculiar fossils. This is base of Cooper's Benbolt.

Higher (south) along old road at ford comes upper OHosee with large coarse-ribbed Compylorthis, opikuira and Hesperorthis. At base is a cherty bed which separates Benbolt from Wardell. Upper OHosee is Wardell. At top came numerous corals, then the Bower sandy beds and the Moccasin.

H30 - on old road about 0.1 mi S of house 1/2 mile SW of New Bethel Church is a reef in upper Wardell, a reef of Stromatocerium and Dystactospongia. On S flank of reef occurs a layer abounding in Columnaria.

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