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[[stamped]] 0602 [[/stamped]]
In Thorn Hill section the lowest shale is called OHosee. This is low OHosee possibly correlative with low beds of OHosee seen farther east. This zone I think is definitely above the Sowerbyella - Din atavoides zone which was not seen in this section.
Chesney - not far east of Luttrell on Luttrell (TVA) Quad. On road just east of school and running across school grounds on south side is crumbly nodular limestone with sowerbyites and also Oligorhynchia. This zone thus ties well with the Oligorhynchia zone just west of Thorn Hill and the sowerbyites zone of Red Hill. At Cather place Dinorthis willardi is abundant with the Sowerbyites. 
October 23.
Hotel at Abingdon 2.33
Breakfast " [[ditto for: Abingdon]] 0.70
Lunch 0.15
Supper 1.25
H15A - Burke's Garden [[square symbol]], 1 mile SSE of Sharon Springs on St. Hy 42. and 1 mile due east of Red Oak School High in Athens (125' below top). Contains Echinosphaerites, M. bursa, Orthis, Leptellina. This I think is same bed called OHosee by Butts but high Athens by me at Grayson Farm.
Travelled from Abingdon to Christiansburg via Ceres to see Devonian and Whitesburg. Christainsburg for the night.