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and this is proved at the locality north of Fountain City.

One mile SW of Mayes Chapel on the Fountain city street on the north side of the dirt road and on the slopes down to the creek occur dark limestone interbedded with occasional layers of yellow calcareous shale. Dinorthis Willardi is abundant and occurs with a layer Camarella. On the flat on the SE side of the road Calcareous shale abounds in fossils: Sowerbyites, Campylorthis, Mimella, Oligorhynchiaand Dinorthis willardi. These fossils are the same as those seen in Raccoon Valley Liberty Hill, and just SW of Thorn Hill. They had been called lower OHosee but Ulrich thought them to be Strasburg. They seem to be a shaly equivalent of the Strasburg. The latter formation traced SW to Eidson was followed with ease but we lost it between Eidson and Thorn Hill. The probable explanation is that it changed to shale and has a different fauna in it.

Overlying these shaly beds in Beaver Valley occurs dark cherty limestone abounding in Nidulites, this is B. N. Cooper's Ward Cove formation and clinches the Strasburg = Lincolnshire position of the so-called lower 0Horse beds = Thorn Hill fm,