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[stamped] 0648 [/stamped]
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is somewhat shaly and crumbly and suggests the Lenoir lithology. So far it seems as though the Lenoir is represented by the red beds of the Blackford.

In afternoon collected near Hansonville but found the collecting very poor. At Green Valley Church crumbly ls for some 20' yields large Opikina. These beds suggest a transition to Ward Cove type of rock by Cooper insists these beds are Benbolt.

In conversations in the evening Cooper held entire range of Oxoplecia to = Lower Echinosphaerites and to = Shippensburg

OHosee         Opikina, D. transverse, Oxoplecia} 
              {Oxoplecia, Opikina, Leptellina   } Lower Echino-sphanites
Athens        {Whitesburg                       }  

Nodular facies {Benbolt- D. transversa
               {Echinosphanites [[diagonal] oxoplecia [[/diagonal]]       
               {Ward Cove