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[[stamped]] 0699 [[/stamped]]
[[stamped]] 0762 [[/stamped]]
[[left margin]] 41 [[/left margin]]

Church shows Trenton opposite the Church, then Oranda in the field just before reaching the creek. Chambersburg, granular and dark occurs on the east side of the Creek. Then comes Athens type of rock west of the bridge.
0.1 - 0.2 mile north of the church on Virginia 617 occurs a splendid exposure of Trenton rocks which we identify as Salona on the grounds of finding Salonia. This section extends to the junction with Va. 777 at an old mill. The Salona contained many fossils that occur also in the Oranda [[strikethrough]] Salona [[/strikethrough]] such as Eoplectodonta Bilobia, Resserella, small Sowerbyellas. The Salona is quite definitely an extension of the Oranda fauna.

About 100 yards west of the intersection of 617 and 777 occurs an sayserb[[guess] section of Oranda all of 30' thick. Here the Oranda is composed of alternating soft and hard layers. At the bottom occur small Reserella, Christiania, Hespecosthis and Bilobia, in the lower 5' Bilobia and small Resserella occur in countless numbers in this
[[left margin vertical]] Look for Glassia in Colliers town collection. [[/left margin]]
hard limy layers. In the upper 15' Glyptambonites, Renashella and Eoplestodonta are common. The very top bed contains Leptaena in great abundance.

In the Salona Brongiartella occurs about in the middle of the exposed sequence at about the base by the hill. Pentorthis, Panastrophing, Eoplectodonta and the big rafinesquinoids occur above the Brongiartella. Cryptolithus was found throughout the Oranda and in throughout the Salona.  

Transcription Notes:
Cooper did not separate the paragraphs using extra lines and neither did I