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[[stamped]] 0763 [[/stamped]]
[[left margin encircled]] 9 [[/left margin encircled]]

Koch School

[[image - drawing of geologic column]]
3' +   |    Kimmswick
{ 7'   |    Shaly ls., shale, yellow weathering with Zygspira,
{______|    Rafinesquina, Pionodema
{1 1/2'|    Heavy-bedded ls. packed with Pionodema
{4'    |    Platy ls. shale partings Zygospira Rafinesquina Zygospira,
{______|    Pionodema Sowerbyella
{2'    |    Hard heavy-bedded ls. packed with Pionodema.
{5-6'  |    Green shale many bryozoa
{[[wavy line]]

[[left margin]]
Slab taken - [[line pointing to column with 1 1/2']]
[[written vertically]] Decoral [[/written vertically]]
[[/left margin]]

Abundance of Rafinesquina, Zygospira and Pionodema with large Sowerbyella date this as Guttenberg. It looks to me like the beds just overlying the Spechts Ferry in Wisconsin.