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[[stamped]] 0773 [[/stamped]]

[[left margin encircled]] 19 [[/left margin encircled]]

Falls Creek - Baptist Camp

[[image - drawing of geologic column]]

140   | Lower part cobbly ls. with grayish shale, remainder greenish
      | shale with ls beds. Top 30' with Sowerbyella, I think this =
      | stop of green shale at Spring Creek
3'    | massive cobbly ls
30'   | green sh with small ls. cobbles bryozoa ^[[cystids]] abundant
______| [[underlined]] Mimella Zone [[/underlined]]
3'    | Massive cobbly ls.
12'   | cobbly ls & green shale Many bryozoa, small [[underlined]]
______| Valcourea Zone [[/underlined]]
25'   | Massive ss & cobbly ls
20'   | greenish shale with             
______| Macrocoelia, Mimella, Opikina } suggests Sowerbyites zone
75'   | Thin bedded ss. & ls. with green shale
105'  | green sh with thin ls & ss bands
15'   | Thin bedded ls & greenish Small Multicostella
      | Massive thick ss Bromite (base) ?