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[[stamped]] 0078 [[stamped]]
[[circled left margin]] 1 [[circled left margin]]

Trip to Pennsylvania
Oct. 1-15, 1949

Section in "Stone River" ls. on NE side of Middle Spring Creek, Middle Spring, Pa

[[Left margin broken into boxes containing heights in a section view of the rocks. To the right of boxes are descriptions for each box.]]

[[Box 1]] 292' horizon [[to r of Box 1]] Dark finely granular Is. cherty near base, lithologically suggestive of [[Chozy?]] of Mission section.  Top of this interval is at sharp bend of stream at Middle Spring

[[Box 2]] 220' horizon [[r of Box 2]] N43[[degree symbol]] E 54[[degree symbol]] S 
Massive backly fracturing light gray ls. weathering ash white. Suggest Mosherine type

[[Box 3]] 230' horiz [[r of box 3]] Dark finely grained to finely granular ls.

[[Box 4]] 8' horiz [[r of Box 4]] cherty dolomite, dark gray ls N35[[degree symbol]] E 66[[degree symbol]] S

[[Box 5]] 83' horizontal [[R of box 5]] Dark gray to mealy black brittle, irregular fracturing ls.

[[Box 6]] 200' horizent [[R of Box 6]] Massive ls. forming small shallow quarry 50' of massive beds full of fossils. [[insert]] very fine grained- Mosheina - like [[/insert]] All rock mealy dark gray but much lighter than below

[[Box 7]] 120' horiz [[R of box 7]] Dark gray to black mealy fracturing and thin-bedded ls. weathering ash gray. Mostly somewhat platy

[[Box 8 empty]] [[right of Box 8]] dol  

Transcription Notes:
ls. is Cooper's abbreviation for "limestone".--thomasc