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[[stamped]] 0780 [[stamped]]
[[circled in margin]] 3 [[circled in margin]]

Quarry of New Enterprise Stone and Lime Co. NW end.

        | Trentor black, blocky limestone
 50' +- | Rodman rough weathering ls. ash gray on surface, dark gray inside 
        | granular bed 10 - 15' thick near base
 135'   | "Lowville" - various types of dark, light gray-weathering ls.
  35'   | Lemont = Hostler - silicious ls. with large Campylorthis
  60' + | Grazier - base not determined massive, mottled ls.

Collected Rodman on Penn. R R 1/2 mile north of the station. Rodman 65 - 70' thick with massive calcarenite at base. Peculiar Leptaenoid occurs at base. Camarocladia marking abundant at base of section