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[[Ans 8/27/24]]

Lower Maple Ave., R D. #2
Elmira, N. Y.
July 29th. 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Philadelphia, PA.


"A garden is a lovesome spot, with Burpee's seeds." Thirty dollars in the Bank and thousands of flowers given away, with "Burpee's seeds."

Isn't that something for three years and only raising Sweet Peas, but such Sweet Peas. Could anything else give you such a thrill? Imagine picking the delicate things and sending them off to grace a Bride or pay the last tribute to a friend.

They mean more to me than just something to sell I could kneel and worship them.

May the year 1924 and all succeeding years bring my garden up to the mark I have set for it through "Burpee's Seeds."

Yours truly
Marie Baker.
