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[[stamped]]BCK-01 .65 - 06183 AUG 11  1924[[/stamped]]
[[Ans 8/27/24]]

For Prize Contest

What Burpee's Seeds Have Done For me

Burpee's seeds have done so much for me, I really think I owe them health, and a business; one that I can care for while I am attending to my home.

I used to plant flower seeds, but when they did not come up, I became discouraged. I thought flowers could only be raised by folks who had a "knack".

Then we bought a home with a neglected garden and yard. Now, I [[underlined]] must [[/underlined]] grow something, and improve the place. About then, I saw an advertisement--"Burpee's Seeds Grow!" I tried them, and found they [[underlined]] do [[/underlined]] grow, even under adverse conditions.

I became more interested in everything pertaining to flowers and plants, and long hours out-of-doors gave me an appetite and health. Burpee's Catalogue, and leaflets were a constant source of interest.

I now have long rows of delphinium, coreopsis, gaillardia, calendula, pinks, cosmos, dahlias, zinnias, and this year 400 American Beauty Asters.

Last Year People asked to buy flowers, and this year I have regular customers. I also sell hardy plants, and am gradually building up a business that will keep on growing.

Mrs. E. C. Schnaitter
R. D. 1
Huron, Ohio