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August 13, 1924
W. Atlee Burpee Co
[[underlined]] Phila' Pen. [[/underlined]]

1,000 Oxford St
London, Ontario.

Ans 8/27/24

Burpees Seeds have largely increased my interest in gardening in as much as both pleasure & profit has been included in the outcome. They have made me practically independant of the market & the corner store for my vegetable supply.

They have amply repaid me for my labor expended, in the joy & satisfaction in realizing that all table vegetables have been produced in our own garden & in the sweet succulent flavor of especially peas & beans to say nothing of beet, carrot, parsnip etc etc.
[[stamped]] AUG 18 1924 [[/stamped]]
I have received much pleasure in answering enquiry of friends as to where I obtain my seeds & added pleasure has come later as they too have expressed their satisfaction of Burpees Seeds.

Flower seeds also have delighted me in the abundance of plants produced & the variety of color.
I am exceedingly delighted with the result obtained from a 15ยข packet of Pom Pom Dahlia seed producing 22 strong healthy plants. 

Burpee Seeds mean to me the Standard of Excellence & the generous business treatment of the Burpee firm has produced a satisfaction & confidence that cannot