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#4582 Prize Letter

Mrs. J. G. Hert
Bloomfield, Ind.
245 S. Jefferson St
August 14 - 1924

W. Atlee Burpee   August 14-1924
Seed Growers       Ans 8/27/24
Philadelphia, Pa.

Sirs - I am writing a prize letter but it may not reach its destination in time to be listed with other prize ones, but I can tell of a satisfied customer that has used Berpee's Seeds for nearly fifty years. I have derived great pleasure in trying seeds of their new vegetables which they developed and listed in their Catalogues and I always found them to be all that was claimed for them. I have induced others to used their seeds and they were well pleased with the results. We have had very unfavorable weather this year in our locality,
[[stamped]] AUG 18 1924 [[/stamped]]
but I have some very beautiful flowers in my garden now, from Burpee's Seeds.

Now you may think that I am rather old by my claim of having used Burpee's seeds so long but I am not, although I have passed more than seventy birth-days, I am still able to cultivate and admire beautiful Flowers and enjoy eating good vegetables, all of which my be had with good cultivation and seeds purchased from 
W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Seed Growers
Philadelphia, Pa.

Mrs. J. G. Hert