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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
^[[AUG 15 1924]]

For Prize Contest

Laurencetown Aug 10th 1924
Annapolis N. S.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.


In the spring of 1923 I sent to your firm for a Dollar Collection of Aster seeds. I sowed seeds April 1st following directions contained in "How I grow the finest Aster." They came up quickly. When they were large enough I transplanted them into larger boxes. On June 1st my plants had attained a fine stalky growth and were ready for a permanent home. But no suitable place seemed available. A clay plot back of the house had been ploughed the previous fall and was unsightly. I decided to try my luck at gardening there. Accordingly I dug holes all over the plot at intervals of 1 1/2 ft,