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^[[Ans 8/27/24]]
^[[AUG 15 1924]]

for Prize Contest

W. Atlee
Burpee Co

Dear Sir!

I am very proud of my garden which is considered the most beautiful in Spokane. This garden is planted with Burpee's seeds. I could not get along without your seeds and still have such a wonderful garden. If a person once uses your seeds I am sure he will never be without them.

The wonders and beauties of a garden depend largely upon the seeds and I can recommend Burpee's seeds to any one that wants a first-class garden.

I have never planted any seed, (and I have tried many others) which showed as great a result as those of Burpee's.

Many flowers which we cannot mention, bloomed before any others of their kind in this neighborhood. Many think they are raised in a greenhouse but I raise all [[underline]] my flowers [[/underline]] in out-door beds.