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^[[Ans 8/28/24]]

Prize Contest
Aug 13, 1923

Seeds. In a simple package of seeds we often behold a whole world of dreams, a garden full of beautiful flowers or luscious vegetables, a season of exultant joy to us and our friends; hours of most exciting anticipations of what tomorrow may burst out upon us; a lovely picture all painted in the colors we like a cosy corner where we can be content with the world and all it holds, and finally a glimpse into a veritable heaven on earth. What a picture as I look through your catalog your comprehensive sensible seed catalog, it is the joy of my life and a grief, too, because I want everything in it.  That is not possible with each succeeding year.  I find improvements and additions of unusal importance, and these will give you then a glimpse into the mirror of the growth of a business founded on truth, reliability, honesty, courtesy, and fairness surpassed by none leader of all seedsman.  I wrote you a letter a year or so ago regarding your wonderful seeds, that do grow wonderful vegetables.