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^[[Ans 8/28/24]]
^[[AUG 15 1924]]

Morgan Park, Ill.
Aug. 12, 1924.
For Prize Contest.
The results from Burpee's Asters seeds have meant so much to me, that I want to tell you about it.  We have bought your vegetable seeds for years, and always have the best garden in this locality.  Last year I ordered some of your fancy aster seed including the beauty asters.  I tended them carefully and had the most wonderful bed ^[[of]] Asters imagineable.  My neighbors all raise just the common single Aster, and my immense bed of 400 plants with blooms as large as Chrysanthemums, were a wonder to every one.  The wire fence around our lots was all mashed down by people leaning ^[[against]] it to view my Asters.