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^[[Ans 8/28/24]
^[[AUG 15 1924]]

Charity Jane Brock
Beaver Co. Pa

W. Atlee Burpee Co.

Dear Sirs,
I wish to tell you about the wonderful success I had with the President Harding sweet peas.  On account of the lateness of the season I did not get them planted until April fifth.
The ground had no special preperation other than that it was well inoculated by garden peas, and was fertilized with sheep manure and acid phosphate when the sweet peak seeds were planted.  The plants were ^[[strong]] and hardy, I picked the first bloom on June sixteenth 1924.  It was on a long stem with three immense flowers.
The President Harding was the most popular color I had, for people would drive out five miles from town to buy them, and every one said it was such a cheerful color.  Many people said that they never saw prettier or larger long stemed flowers at the florists.
The sweet peas bloomed until about the last of July when I let them go to seed.