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^[[Ans 8/28/24]]
^[[AUG 15 1924]]

For Prize Contest
Woodroffe, Ont.
August 12, 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Co

Dear Sirs.
I desire, in this letter, to express my appreciation of the benefits to me from the use of your seeds in my garden.
The benefits range themselves, naturally under two headings, which for the sake of convenience I shall name, "Ethical" and "Material", according as they treat of purely the spiritual or material side of life.
In considering the Ethical benefits that the flowers from your seeds have brought to me, my mind pictures at once the great pleasure that I have been able to give to others by means of my garden.
Next under Ethical benefits is the immediate pleasure the flowers have given me, no one can work with a garden without being improved thereby, and, if he joins to this improvement the success that comes in your seeds, his mental profit is great indeed, or mine has been.
Lastly comes the material benefit, the returns from sale of sweet peas, alone, that have come from your seeds have more than paid for the total outlay on flower seeds each year.
My gratitude is indeed great to Burpee's seeds.
Yours sincerely
Wm. H. Quigg