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^[[Ans 8/28/24]]
^[[AUG 15 1924]]

7 Hodges St.
Taunton, Mass
August 13, 1924.
What Burpees Seeds Have Done For Me
Early this spring my daughter who is six years old was brought home from the hospital after a long illness. Their was nothing that could make her happy until she found Burpee's Annual. She looked all day long at the pretty flowers in it and then asked me if I would send away for some of Burpee's beautiful flowers. She said this would be the only thing to make her happy. She made her selections and I sent away for them. When the seeds arrived she did not know what to do for joy. She planted them in a neat little patch. All her interest was in watching the flowers come up. Every day she waters her flower bed and pulls up any weed that tries to take a peep at he wonderful flowers.  She also tells me how thankful she is to the W. Atlee Burpee Company for sending seeds that produce such wonderful flowers. This is the greatest thing that Burpees Seeds have done for me. It has brought back the happiness to my dear little daughter.
Yours very truly
Mrs Joseph Rubin