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[[stamped]]AUG 15 1924[[/stamped]]
[[Ans 8/28/24]]

1 9 2 4

"For Prize Contest"

Lillian Aronson
13 George Street,
Chelsea, Mass.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.

Dear Friends:

My garden is truly beautiful and affords great pleasure to the family and the neighbors.  The Dianthus Fordhook were gorgeous, the petunias make a wonderful display, the nicotianas are lovely, intoxicating with the delicate fragrance, love-in-a-mist is delightful with its soft feathery foliage, and the blue larkspurs were excellent and blossomed profusely.  I sent an exquisite "Burpee Bouquet" to a sick friend,who appreciated the loving message they brought her.

The interest in flowers has benefited me greatly.  Many friends among flower lovers have been gained and I have interested them in starting their gardens from my seedlings.  As knowledge is power, so is the intrinsic value of knowing flowers, inspiring.  I have on several occasions experienced this pride.

As we pass the country estates it has been fun to see who could name the most flowers.

The petunias and nicotianas seeded themselves.  I will try to make perennials of them.  When they go to seed I gently shake the pods and water lightly and cover with manure.  It is most satisfying to see the flowers start in early spring with the perennials.

Flower gardening is an unending pleasure and delight and I wish more people could enjoy them.