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[[Ans 8/28/24]]

(Miss) M.A. Irving,
Oakland, N.J.

[[underline]] WHAT BURPEE'S SEEDS HAVE DONE FOR ME. [[/underline]]

Burpee's Seeds have helped me in two ways: the real and the ideal.

[[underline]] Ideal. [[/underline]] Great enjoyment in selecting the seeds. The catalogue itself was so fascinating that I became enthusiastic enough to plant [[underline]] something of everything [[/underline]], but had to curb my desires. Planted some seeds in boxes in a New York apartment, therefore had lettuces, beans and corn very early. This anticipation and preparation gave great pleasure.

Later came the interest of planting and daily watching the development of the plants. Then the pleasure of providing a delicious varied diet for the family each day. Their appreciation added to my enjoyment. 

[[underline]] Real. [[/underline]] The seeds have paid for themselves already ten times over and still further returns are expected as well as the indirect benefit of better health for the family from a liberal supply of fresh vegetables. Have had 41 pounds of beans for 25 cent packet of seed and more plants are coming. Golden Bantam corn will yield further still greater results having had 97 heads already and hundreds to come from seed saved from last year.