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[[stamped]] AUG 14 1924 [[/stamped]]
[[Ans 8/28/24]]

For Prize Contest.
What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me.

One summer day seven years ago a friend brought me a small basket of beans.  The famous bean of the fairy tale had less wonderful consequences, it was a revelation in beans. To my delighted thanks my friend replied that with a bit of ground, a little work, sun, water, and a packet of BURPEE'S STRINGLESS POD, anyone could do as well, beans being notoriously fool-proof, and she lent me that book of magic, BURPEE'S ANNUAL. Thereupon I, a dweller of city streets, unconscious/hitherto of the soil, decided to garden, so bewitched was I.
Of course I had many failures, but what that garden has done for me would take more than two hundred words to tell.  Besides the widely shared pleasure of delicious vegetables and lovely flowers, the eager interest, deepening every season, the healthful exercise, the love

4542 Pershing Ave
St Louis. Mo.