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For Prize Contest
What Burpee Seeds Have Done For Me

As I look back to the days of my childhood one of the bright spots in my memory is the recollections of a window full of flowers purchased from the Burpee Seeds Company which my mother kept blooming all through the cold dreary days of winter, and although living at present near the Pacific coast my husband and I still order many of our seeds and bulbs from them because they come true to name, are fresh, and often arrive more quickly than those ordered from seed houses much nearer. I believe that our garden full of fresh vegetables each summer has done much towards making ours a healthy, happy family. I know that I am benefitted personally by the time spent each day among my flowers. The exercise is healthful, their beauty and fragrance give me pleasure. They have made me many congenial friends and I truly believe they have caused me to have a keen appreciation of the beauties of nature and a greater realization of Gods love. 

Mrs. Bessie M. Haller
1147 West 9th Street Albany ((bent corner bottom of page))