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I have walked back and forth, planting and hoeing even during the hottest weather. Four oclock in the mornings was my usual hour for the long walk - The joy of seeing things grow, the beauty of dawn and sunrise, and the confidence I had in Burpees seeds made the labor a pleasure.

Now I am reaping what I sowed, and have more than I can use or put up. Besides I have late corn, beans, Brussel sprouts, onions, parsnips, carrots &c,, &c,, It is simply great.

I was raised and educated a town girl - Later I specialized in music, and have taught music in three schools in this State, at one school (Steelville Mo) for more than ten years.

I shall teach again this fall but I shall garden again next year, and as long as it is possible for me to do so, If I could decree

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a thing I would make it compulsory for every able bodied woman in the world to make a garden.  The "harvest" would fill our cellars, renew our strength, cement friendships and broaden our visions - May the house of "Burpee" go on, and on, and on -

Mrs Maud Woodruff