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[[strikethru]] [[pre-printed ]] CADILLAC MALLEABLE IRON CO. [[/pre-printed]] [[/strikethru]]

^[[ Prize Contest ]]

[[right justified]] 414 Crippen St.,
[[right justified]] Cadillac, Michigan.
[[right justified]] August 8, 1924 [[/justified]]

W. Atlee Burpee Co.,
Philadelphia, Pa.


I would be glad to know if you have extended the date for the closing of your competition on "What Burpee's Seeds Have Done for Me" It seems a little unfair to gardeners in Northern Michigan where the Summers are so short, and the weather this year so unfavorable; as much of the fruit and flowers are not yet come to fruition and beauty. September 15, would be more like the date for gardeners in this section. I was hoping to have had a shot at your competition but we have very few flowers yet grown from seed sown this year, and root crops are very backward. I have very good promise of crops from seed purchased from you, but the reaping time is quite a month distant.

[[right justified]]Yours very truly,
[[right justified]] [[handwritten signature ]]
[[right justified]] R. C. Sowton [[/justified]] 

^[[ Stamped ]] AUG. 12 1924 [[/]]