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August 13, 1924

Mr. R. C. Sowton
414 Crippen St.
Cadillac, Michigan

Dear Sir:

We want to thank you for your letter of August 8 and appreciate the position in which you have been placed due to the unfavorable weather prevailing in your section this year.

We would be only too glad to extend the date on which the contest is to close to September 15 if we could do this in a way which would be fair to all. It would mean sending a note to every single Burpee customer who purchased from us this year, as no doubt there would be others who would like to know if the date was extended. That of course is an impossibility since the postage along to notify the customers would be over ten thousand dollars. 

Under the circumstances we feel that you have as good a chance as anyone else if you will give your experience with the crop as far as it has grown, and then perhaps add what you may reasonably expect to harvest later on.
However, we shall keep your suggestion in mind in case we have another contest next year, as it is our desire to make the contest as broad as possible and avoid anything that would place a restriction on customers in certain sections.

Very truly yours,