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[[stamped]] JUL 28 1924 [[/stamped]]
[[ [[circled]] 738 [[/circled]] ]]

For Prize Contest

621 Main St.
Three Rivers, Mich.,
July 25, 1924.

W. Atlee Burpee Co.
Seed Growers, Philadelphia, Pa.

Dear Sirs: 

As I sit viewing my back yard garden, I find that Burpee's seeds have been a wonderful help to me.

I have added much to my field of knowledge: thought in selecting seeds: an intelligent study of soil, fertilizers, and sprays; and, in planning to raise early and late vegetables in order to have a continuous supply throughout the season.

Food which is a necessity has been supplied. It was a money saver, being wholesome, palatable, nutritious, and cheaper than one can buy, and, giving us a greater variety of our most essential sustenance.

Better health has been secured