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W. Atlee Burpee Co.
November 28, 1924

[[underlined]] Extracts from WHAT BURPEE'S SEEDS HAVE DONE FOR ME Contest Letters [[/underlined]]

Materially reduced out grocery expense.
Lured us to health-giving outdoor exercise.
Increased our love for growing things and God's big outdoors.
Was educative to the children, especially through their individual gardens.
Proved to be a bond of common interest with many old friends and an "open sesame" to several new ones.
Gave us something which the whole family could enjoy together as a real vital interest."


I am proud of my garden. Burpee's seeds have made me new friends, a "common brotherhood of the soil".
They have taught me that the name Burpee on a seed package is a pledge of a successful garden.
My yard is full of beauty.

Beatrice Hope Wilson,
394 Hammond Avenue
Aurora, Ill.

"Oh, what a shower of delight! Vegetables and flowers, all sorts. It seemed to me that every single seed grew.
Passers-by gazed lingeringly at my beautiful wonder garden.
Glory, beauty, pleasure, health and comforts it yielded, besides an overflowing cellar."

Mrs. Nelle C. Hurst,