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[[preprinted]]W. ATLEE BURPEE CO.[[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]]Page Three[[/underlined]]

[[underlined]]WHAT BURPEE'S SEEDS HAVE DONE FOR ME [[/underlined]]

"Through Burpee's Seeds I have learned more of the mysteries and wonders of natures than through many books. They have told me about the blessings of toil.

As to the profits. It has invariably been my experience that produce from, Burpee's Seeds always finds a ready market at top prices. But the source of greatest profit and satisfaction to me has been the fact that our little garden patch has enabled us to cut our grocery bill to less than half and yet throughout the year we live like kings."

Neal R. Van Loon,
University Park,

"In all these 18 years I have found Burpee's Seeds the most dependable, most true in every respect to the qualities ascribed to them in Burpee's catalogue. Burpee's do not overrate their seeds."

G. M. Tehan,
Route #2, Box #191,
North Milwaukee, Wisc.