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[[preprinted]] W. Atlee Burpee co. [[/preprinted]]

[[underlined]] Page Seven

I had a little garden
The grew from Burpee's Seeds.
I hoed it night and morning
And kept it free from weeds.

It grew and grew and grew,
And then it grew some more,
'Till good thing by the dozen
Came piling at my door.
At last in desperation,
I said "I'll start a store."

I sold my neighbors onions,
I sold them corn and beans,
I sold them piccalilli,
And several kinds of greens.

OH, how they crowd and hustle
To get that Burpee stuff!
They'd buy it by the bushel,
And say it wasn't enough.

My pockets soon had swollen,
My 'spenders began to sag;
I had to buy a harness
To carry my money bag.

I painted up the hen-house
I fixed the barn-door latch;
I pulled off all the shingles,
And put on another batch.

And when I'd done a fixin'
The old place looked like new.
But Burpee's Seeds, I tell you.
Had seen me safely though."

Blanche A. Billings,