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1. Important Additions During the year 1884

Twenty-two specimens of jute, grown in Mississippi from seed obtained in India, showing various qualities of the fibre in different stages of preparation.  From Hon. W.W. Stone, Stoneville, Miss., President Delta Jute & Fibre Co.

Six specimens, showing the process of manufacturing gunny cloth from Calcutta jute butts.  From Mr. Appleton Sturgis, New York.

A large collection of cordage made of jute, and a fine specimen of jute fibre, from the Schlichter Jute Cordage Co., Philadelphia, Pa.

Forty specimens of textile fibres and fabrics of various kinds from different countries,  all well named and identified. From the Royal Botanical Garden, Kew, England.

A collection of machine-made laces of various kinds, lace mitts, [[?nubias]], etc. From A.G. Jennings & Sons, New York.

A large number of textile fibres, and fabrics, from Guatemala and San Salvador, received from the Boston Foreign Exposition, of 1883.

Thirteen specimens of textile fibres from Jamaica collected by Mr. V.P. Parkhurst, who was engaged as collector on the occasion of a visit to the West Indies.

Twenty-nine specimens of English laces, [[strikethrough]] for [[/strikethrough]] made in Nottingham and Devonshire, England. [[strikethrough]] France[[?]] [[/strikethrough]] a list of which [[strikethrough]] is [[/strikethrough]] will be found in No. 24 of the "Proceedings" of the Museum.  From Mr. A. Robertson with Messrs. Hitchcock, Williams & Co., London.

Twenty-two small samples of English silk fabrics, manufactured in Manchester and