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fresh shellac, absorbing the liquid that is forced out [[strikethrough]] t [[/strikethrough]] with [[strikethrough]] pro [[/strikethrough]] blotting paper. The slide may then be set aside for a few moments when the cover will be secured, & the moisture outside will be dried off, or, in case the mounting medium contained glycerin, the [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] slide should first be well washed with a [[strikethrough]] curr [[/strikethrough]] stream of water from a wash-bottle. A fresh ring of shellac is then applied to secure the cover-glass, & prevent any possible defect in the sealing. The preparation will now keep indefinitely, if it is set aside & not handled roughly.  [[strikthrough]] T [[/strikethrough]]

[[strikethrough]] For [[/strikethrough]] To ensure permanent preservation a [[strikethrough]] frisab [[/strikethrough]] mixture of equal parts of gold-size and asphalt varnish, or Brunswick black, is applied over the shellac.  One or more coats of this very durable & elastic varnish will [[strikethrough]] ensure [[/strikethrough]] protect the more brittle shellac, & give a good finish to the mounts.

A more elegant finish is finally applied, consisting of a single coat of [[strikethrough]] pure Bruns [[/strikethrough]] Brunswick black alone.

Finally the slide is labelled, and the number on the label is the [[strikethrough]] code [[/strikethrough]]serial number of the original specimen in the Museum Register. --------