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Henson: To get the license?

Mann: To get the license-in those days you could do that. So we had a very quiet wedding.  My mother and one of Bill's friends were the only witnesses.  Then our honeymoon was spent in the Philadelphia Zoo and the New York Zoo, then we came back on Monday. [Laughter]

Henson: What a honeymoon! Now is the New York Zoo the one where he had left you outside the reptile house?

Mann: Yes.

Henson: What a way to overcome your fear of reptiles.  What was the Bureau of Entomology like?  I've heard the Department of Agriculture was kind of bureaucratic in those days.  Was it very civil service or very bureaucratic?

Mann: I don't know.  I had a very minor position, I wouldn't have known.

Henson: Yes, if it was.  But you don't recall it being very difficult to get things done or things like that?

Mann: Oh, no.

Henson: What was D.C. like during the war? Was it much different?

Mann: World War I?

Henson: Yes.