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watches, "Oh, let's go out, the show won't be over yet."  So we'd go out.  Sometimes we'd miss the first few acts, but we got to know all the circus people.  One of the named a child after me, named it Lucy.  Of course, my name is Lucile, but everybody calls me Lucy.  I got to ride an elephant once in "spec."  I went all the way around the hippodrome track.  Many years later I rode an elephant in Nepal, but I wasn't astride the elephant in Nepal, I was riding in a howdah.  That was a thrill too.

HENSON:  There were a fair amount of animals staying at the zoo sometimes?  Circus animals during the winter season would be boarded?

MANN:  That was way before my time, but the Adams Forpaugh show wintered quite a collection here.  One of them was a Sumatran rhinoceros, which is a very, very rare animal.  I'm sure it's completely extinct now.  But the zoo actually had a Sumatran rhino here during the winter.

HENSON:  I noticed in much later years, around the time that you retired, a new set of rhinoceroses came to the zoo, and they were named Willy and Lucy.  Do you remember that?

MANN:  Oh, yes, those were the white rhinos.  That was shortly before Bill retired.

HENSON:  Did you choose to have those as your namesake?  [Laughter]