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deck where we had our cabin and where the captain's room was, and began shouting at the captain to know why he had treated them that way.  The captain got them off our deck and down to the main deck.  One of them kicked the captain.  Two of them got off the ship, they went down the ladder and got on the pier, and the captain and the telegraph operator--radio operator--Sparks, went after them, and caught these two men, and brought them back on the ship.  Bill, unconscious all the time, missed this, and I was hanging over the rail and watching everything that went on.  I can remember seeing Sparks take his man and bend him backward over the rail; I thought he was going to crack his spine.  One of the crew threw a bottle of soy sauce at the first mate.  Then I heard somebody run up the companionway and into the captain's office, dash out again, and I just knew he'd come up and gotten a gun.  I guess the Chinese finally realized that the officers were armed, so they subsided.  The officers put two of the crew in chains, and when we got to Port Said they left them there in jail, which couldn't have been a very pleasant experience.

HENSON:   Had you at that point loaded the giraffes and everything, gotten all those animals on board?

MANN:   Oh, yes, they were all on board.  We had the giraffes and the buffalo.

HENSON:   Did they all go on the deck too?