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March 29
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N65E20[[degree symbol]]N
730r - fusulines & Spyridiophora
[[vertical margin note]] Total of 29 levels for Skinner R = 142' [[/note]]
[[sketch of geologic column in left margin]]
o o o o o o   | F = 5'
     20'      | E
10 levels     | D
1L Fus. 730r  | at level 19
--------------| Fus at base = 730t
3 levels shale| C
15 levels     | B = 73'
--------------|x 730p
Fusulines     |
Platy bit.    |
33 1/2 levels | A = 164' Sullivan Peak Equivalent
at 20 [[degree|
symbol]]      |
[[bracket including units B, C, & D]] 51L
A - flat bedded ribbon - banded bitum. ls.
B - Coarse calcarenite to rudite with R. hessensis & Spiridiophora fusulines at base
C - Thin - bedded somewhat siliceous shaly ls, yellow weathering
D - Massive calcarenite - biohermal with Spyridiophora
Sullivan Peak Equivalent
On top of A are steeply dipping yellow weathering siliceous ls. very thin bedded 1/4 - 1/2". Occasional thin lenses of calcarenite & shell debris. One thick band 2 - 3' below yellow beds, perhaps 10' - 15!
Lowest beds of B are coarse calcarenite with spy. brownish gray, some silicified bryozoan & "algal" material
Massive biohermal beds 3' - 4' thick.