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[[left margin encircled]] 25 [[/ left margin encircled]]

N side Hill 5021

A - 22' of yellow siliceous skin.

B - 1' lens of detrital ls. Stenoscisma (large). 1 1/2" silicious skin.

C - 38' of shale and layers of blocky chert

E - covered

F - Blocky dolomite with silicious skins.

G 10' of irregular greenish gray dolomite with small quartz pebbles 1" -looks like a dolomitized bioherm. Crinoid skin shadows

H - massive dolomite beds 3' thick with rounded surfaces but top bed angular and blocky.

I -altered blocky chert

J - 18' of massive tan dolomite with small silica flecks. Fossils in chert skins badly altered.

[[image - drawing of geologic layers as described above]]]]

18'   |  
16'   | I
20'   | H
10'   | G
22'   | F
5'    | E
38'   | C
1'    | B
22'   | A
SKR   |
