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[[encircled]] 35 [[/encircled]]

A7[[superscript]]2[[/superscript]] - Low hill with "Clay Slide" structure shaley bedded fine yellow sands and bluish sandy shale in which we saw no fossils. This is overlain by thick beds of biohermal limestone which strongly suggests Road Canyon. This limestone is about 50' thick. On its back slope is about 15' of yellow platy shale followed by about 20' of limestone, here not biohermal, but the same beds from which we collected. The biohermal arrangement here is reversed with the bioherms at the base. Saw one mass of Corcinophora which is good evidence for Road Canyon.

A7[[superscript]]3[[/superscript]]  - High Knob.

A - mostly thin bedded sandstone with some small pebble cgl. near the bottom. 

B - Yellow-orange ls band about 1' which containing Perrinites and Peniculauris. Very like real Clay slide = 732-z.

C - 50' of slope in gray to blush gray crumbly shale.

[[left margin, diagram of geologic column]]

Top of hill
33          |F
14'         |E
Fu/10' 16'  |D
------------| Pebbles crowded and numerous,
            | about 1'
50'         |C
1'  732-z   |B
mostly thin |A
bed ss      |